Beat the Odds is part of the Petersburg Medical Center Foundation. The Foundation was first established in April 1990 as Petersburg General Hospital Foundation and renamed in February 2000 to the Petersburg Medical Center Foundation. The Foundation is a non-profit 501 (3)(c) organization that was established to maintain support and assistance to Petersburg Medical Center.
Beat the Odds is part of the Foundation. Its funds are utilized locally and regionally. Its mission is to help bring awareness, education, and support to those affected by cancer.
The generosity of our sponsors and the support of the community allowed us to raise several thousands. Over the life of the event, more than $500,000 has supported Petersburg and other southeast Alaska communities.
Tax free donations to Beat the Odds can be sent to PO Box 1477, Petersburg, AK 99833. Please make checks out to Petersburg Medical Foundation with a note in your memo the donation is for "Beat the Odds." or donate here: Beat the Odds Donation ( Thank you for your support and continued commitment to the residents of Petersburg and other southeast Alaskan cancer patients.
Beat the Odds is part of the Foundation. Its funds are utilized locally and regionally. Its mission is to help bring awareness, education, and support to those affected by cancer.
The generosity of our sponsors and the support of the community allowed us to raise several thousands. Over the life of the event, more than $500,000 has supported Petersburg and other southeast Alaska communities.
Tax free donations to Beat the Odds can be sent to PO Box 1477, Petersburg, AK 99833. Please make checks out to Petersburg Medical Foundation with a note in your memo the donation is for "Beat the Odds." or donate here: Beat the Odds Donation ( Thank you for your support and continued commitment to the residents of Petersburg and other southeast Alaskan cancer patients.